Director of Music and Organist: Eun Hee Park
The Shelburne United Methodist Church shares in a music ministry in the following ways:
CONGREGATIONAL SONG: At both the 8:00 a.m. and the 9:30 a.m. services, the singing of hymns is a vital part of our worship experience, led by inspiring organ (and piano) accompaniment.
THE CHOIR: From September through June, this group participates at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service, leading in congregational song and in singing anthems chosen to inspire and relate to the morning service theme. We welcome youth and adults to sing with us. Please contact us if you would be interested in singing.
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Players of varied instruments are invited to be soloists or to accompany the choir. Let us know of your specific talents.
RECITAL PERFORMANCES: Performances on our 4 manual pipe/digital organ are given at selected times; other groups are welcome to use the sanctuary for their presentations. Contact the church office: 802-985-0168.